Scott Mills
The first Wattway solar road was tested in Normandy in 2016. After two years of the pilot, Wattway received bad publicity for not producing the amount of energy promised and for suffering wear and tear over the years. This press doesn’t deter us because we’ve seen Wattway’s successes on The Ray Highway firsthand. Here at The Ray, we are always looking for innovative ways to make our highways smarter, safer, and more sustainable. We don’t expect technologies to exceed expectations the first time; innovation is an iterative process that takes time.
We feel that Wattway has been a success here at The Ray. In its first year, 50 square meters of solar panels created 8,420.74 kWh of energy, enough energy to power an electric automobile for roughly 35,000 miles. Since the first year, Wattway has utilized data from it’s experience in Georgia to create successive iterations of the original solar road. The upgrade in December 2019 improved the electrical capacity of the solar panels by 21% reaching 144 watt peak / m². But don’t just take our word for it. We will be launching a dashboard that tracks the data of all of our technologies on The Ray. We have a lot of exciting data to share, and we always want to be transparent about the performance of our technologies. To keep up with what’s new on The Ray follow us on your favorite social media channel!